
Showing posts from May, 2019


Post-menopause - Post-menopause Any time after menopause is considered post-menopause. Post-menopause happens after the natural menopause transition, where there are consistently low hormone levels that bring their own symptoms. Post-menopause usually begins in a woman’s 50s. Estrogen l evels continue to drop causing certain natural changes in the body, which may include hot flashes and bone loss.  It is basically defined formally as the time after which a woman has experienced 12 consecutive month of amenorrhea without period.  Symptoms: A higher risk of certain conditions like –   1. Osteoporosis 2. Coronary artery diseases 3. Hormonal changes 4. Cardiovascular disease 5. Post menopausal bleeding (PMB) 6. Abnormal PAP’s 7. Depression 8. Urinary track infections Causes of Post-menopause -   1. Internal Factors 2. Hormonal fluctuations 3. External Factors 4. Surgery 5. Illness


MENOPAUSE  - It is the time in woman’s life between 45-51 years when ovaries stop producing eggs and menstrual periods stop for last 12 months. Average age of menopause is 51 years. Period around this time is perimenopause . Even before stopping menstrual cycle, you can have symptoms due to changes in hormonal levels like irregular period, hot flushes, night sweats, sleep problems and vaginal dryness.  is a normal part  of woman’s life and does not always need to be treated. But for regular annual check-up and if symptoms are bothersome you need to see us.  Women who become menopausal before age 40 should see a gynaecologist for an abnormal early menopause and before 45 for proper calcium supplementation.  After  hysterectomy  with ovaries preserved, if you start having bothersome symptoms please visit us.